I love autumn. Now it's here.
It's great living in a part of the country where you have no idea what kind of weather will be bestowed upon you for the Autumnal Equinox. It could be 68° (1997), 77° (1998), 87° (2000), 78° (2004) or 90° as is forecasted today.
I love the Midwest.
that seems like a trend.
someone should look into that.
Well you're certainly not going to get the Bush administration to look into it. The environmental experts at Exxon told them there's no such thing as global warming and not to worry about it.
Oh dear God here we go again.
Let me tell you a little secret about global warming.
It's not the millions of cattle. It's not the gas-guzzling traffic.
It's me. That's right. My own ass. Especially when I have onions. It's a talent, really... one I cultivated and mastered at grad school. Sorry, but my ass is destroying this planet.
Speak to me, oh Toothless One!
Actually it might be a trend and it might not be. It's been pretty steady in the upper 70s/lower 80s. One might describe it as a bell curve.
I think this alleged global warming is actually from outside influences... meaning that we are soon going to be invaded by alien dinosaurs, once they alter our climate to their liking.
Ironically, these dinosaurs are invading because burning our fossil fuels is seen as a desecration. So... even according to that theory, we are responsible, however indirectly...
I need to stop coming here during work.
I don't really have much of an opinion on it one way or another, I actually see validity in both sides of the argument.
I really just had to share my word verification: epnadzc
It sounds like a pill for your balls...I'm not sure for what purpose (really, I mean what could someone possibly need a pill for their balls for?), but definately for your balls.
You always have a way of cutting to the quick and making everything better somehow.
I see validity and invalidity on both sides. I've heard a lot of melodramatic claims with little or no evidence cited. I've seen a lot of bumper stickers. I've been yelled at by acquaintances for no good reason. I've seen the Church of Global Warming excommunicate several people. I've seen and heard so much and yet so little on the matter. And yet... I don't care.
And Captain Planet is a pussy.
Whatever happened to the good ol' days when cigarette commercials on TV were done by doctors and all people wanted to do was get boldly trashed and save a whale or a tree?
Times like this I think I actually miss the Iron Curtain a bit...it gave us something real and meaningful to both fear and lash out against - as opposed to say, whether or not my SUV is a tool of the devil and will single-handedly destroy the earth.
word verification: kumxkic (sounds like a new energy drink that literally gets you off)
Good morning to you, too!
You create such fantastic imagery.
I propose an alternateive fuel source:
Automobiles that run on aborted fetuses.
alternateive? DANM.
I may have just saved the pikey's soul. You never know.
I was about to delete some comments that might've crossed the line a bit. But then I remembered that I'm a lefty liberal and I believe in free speech.
What's wrong with cars that run on aborted fetuses? Who could possibly think that's over the line?
I didn't cross the line. I straddled it, unzipped, and pissed all over it.
It is ironic, however, that "conservative" usually doesn't include "conservation"...
In fact, many believe that this planet was God's gift to us to do as we please with it, and the Second Coming will occur long before we completely rape our planet's resources, so we have nothing to worry about.
More sane religious folk believe that it is, in fact, a sin to abuse the planet, when you really think about it. I fall into that category. However, I am an asshole because I use plastic silverware, paper plates, and plastic cups. But I'm not a hypocrite, because I acknowledge that I am an asshole for it.
Well, I'm flattered that you consider the cacophany of poopoo that I say to be "speech," but feel "free" to delete whatever you want, because it's your blog. I reserve the totalitarian right to do the same on mine.
..........penis glue.
"But then I remembered that I'm a lefty liberal and I believe in free speech."
I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I just realized that you are implying right-wingbats don't believe in free speech.
Right wingbats do believe in free speech. So long as you're in total agreement with them.
You just described liberals there too, mate.
That thought did occur to me. Then I realised my point was akin to Alexis de Tocqueville's summation of American-style representative government in 1835's Democracy in America: Not everyone is equal, but they are certainly more equal than anywhere else.
We liberals have a tendency to be overbearing as well but at least the discussion is permitted. The neo-con tie-in with religion that makes uniformity of practice and belief the most important thing has quashed any discussion among more traditional (i.e.: "real") conservatives. If those who were the real liberals and conservatives of their respective parties would rise up and take back their parties (which it sounds like the Republicans are going to be able to do if Giuliani is the nominee) we could potentially have an honest dialogue in this country. The problem is that as long as the special interests at the fringes of each are controlling the respective agendas we are never going to have that dialogue.
Special interest groups tend to be... well, impossible to talk to. It's not so much that they "let" you talk as it is they are unable to stop you.
Everything anybody says can and will be held against them. Rebuttal is everyone's perogative. That's why I don't talk about this shit on my blog. Because I don't care enough about the subject matter to have to deal with other assholes like myself chiming in with their two cents' worth, preceding with the phrase "I feel the need to point out that..."
Additionally I feel the need to point out that you have to respect the Tocqueville reference.
After you wiki Tocqueville.
Happy Equinox, Alfred.
/mikey/warrior/whoever else reads this...
any good suggestions for wind quintet listening?
Wind Quintets?!!! Good God man!! Why on earth would you do that to yourself?!!!
word verification: sffurbk (seems oddly appropriate somehow)
Let's put together a fart quintet. We'll call it "Breaking Wind Quintet."
Wow, I'm really no help at all.
While the Break Wind Quintet would be awesome, I'm with the Pikey on this one. Is this an assignment?
I think the wind quintet is the most difficult standard chamber ensemble to write for. At least when you're writing a brass quintet or a string quartet the timbres of the instruments fit together.
That being said there's some good stuff out there. You just have to be willing to wade through a lot of crap to get to it.
Shoot me your e-mail address and I'll send you a highly helpful link.
[leans back in chair, chuckling and petting a Persian cat]
Dr. Claw, I presume?
this is most definately an assignment. i like pain, but not that much.
anyways, you can email me at reimermusic@gmail.com,
or you can just leave comments on my shit bloggy blog.
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