Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Choose My Adventure For Me

So I've got a bunch of posts in the works and I can't decide which one to finish first. So I'm putting it to you, my good readers. Which of the following would you like to read?

A series of posts breaking down the score to Avatar on CD and how it fits into James Horner's total oeuvre. (This would probably be at least three posts). I realize this is a long time coming from my "First listen" post back in December, but I didn't even see the movie until mid-January so cut me some slack!

A discussion of a potential film music canon (as suggested long ago by The Temp Track)

The postminimalist nature of Don Davis's score for The Matrix (an extension of a paper I wrote years ago).

Your 10 (or so) favorite film music moments ever (courtesy of the Pikey's recent post)

And, finally, thoughts on the best film scores of the first decade of this millenium.

So there you have it. And remember...Your opinion counts!


Herr Vogler said...

Oh. And Happy St. Freakin' Patrick's Day.

Herr Vogler said...

And remember, it's my intent to get to all of these at some point.

the warrior bard said...

If you do the best film scores of the last decade, that sparks two lists for me to come up with when added to the pikey's current list. That would make my head asplode. I vote against head asplosions for now.

Word verification: stingrap

Anonymous said...

I would like to see either the Davis post (I remeber your paper fondly from TSU and would love to hear your thoughts now that you've done more study) or the Horner/Avatar if only becuase I know we have some differing opinions on the topic.

Reed said...

I would like to read each of these posts in 10 minute increments.

I keed, i keed...

but seriously

film music canon
top film scores from the first decade
top 10 pikey response

Mikey the Pikey said...

Holy Mary Mother and the Sweet Bebe Jebuth! Well, you've been talking about several of these for ages, so I'm not holding my breath for any of them.

My own ego wants you to post against my post, but since it's the most recent of the bunch, I fully expect it to be dead last.

I say dump the top-2000's post, it's all so recent it doesn't sound terribly interesting. I'd love to hear/read your thoughts on Avatar.

The rest you can do in any order you feel like I reckon.

Reed said...

Pikey, I didn't put yours dead last as an offense against you (i didn't read your comment that way either), I guess i wanted it to be later because I know that mine is going to be later too... much later.