Saturday, January 01, 2011

Bloggity Blog

I'm beginning to wonder if Facebook has killed our ability to blog. Most of the readers here are Facebook friends (if not friends in real life) and The Warrior Bard and Reed seem to be the only ones blogging with any frequency (and that's nowhere near as much as all of us used to). The Bard has just recently mused on the fact that "life" takes over. This is true, but I'm also nowhere near as angry as I used to be. Well, not angry enough to find the time to post about it. Hell, I'm not even sure that anyone reads this anymore (Though there is movement based on site traffic info. People seem to be interested in the film music posts).

I don't really have much to offer today. I just wanted to post. Life has been bumpy for the last year (year-and-a-half, really) and it doesn't show much in the way of improvement. But I have a beautiful family for which I'm truly grateful and we're not homeless, so I guess that's saying something. But I'm beginning to reach the point where something professional is going to have to go my way. Yes, I had two performances this past year and I'll hopefully have at least one more this year, but that's dangerously close to living on bread and water.

As with last year I plan to write more about music - specifically film music - more. I think I started out doing a better job last year but then the blog started to get away from me again (I have a tendency to overrefine). I still like the medium. There are things here that can't be conveyed through a Facebook post (Or even a Note on FB for that matter because of its length restrictions) and I like the fact that if we get going on a good topic we can have a good conversation.

For those of you that read but never weigh in, now's the time, right?

Happy New Year.


Reed said...

Don't stop.
Even seldom is better than none, at least for me, who likes to have random entertainment and an escape from my own mind.
Also, it's nice to see us all toiling un a direction that seems to be not backwards!
Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! :)