Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Die Frau and I spent Sunday watching the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. We like to do this every once in a while, just to have something to do for an entire day.

Anyway, we were sitting there in the middle of The Two Towers when I had an epiphany:

In my next life I want to come back as Bernard Hill.

Now I know what you're thinking so stick with me on this one for a second.

If reincarnation is what happens to us when we die (which is possible, though I'm not actually sure how I feel about it) then why is it not possible to break the supposed "rules" of space/time and travel back instead of forward since you're dead anyway? Isn't it possible that I could say, "No, I think I'm going to go back, just to be different"? Why not? Then again, time is supposedly the only constant in the universe (unless you're traveling near the speed of light, then it gets really messed up) so it might not be possible.

Either way, Bernard Hill is one bad mother...


Reed said...


one question though. if you go back, can you do things differently, or do you have to follow the same course as the person who had that life before you?

because the interpretation could change the very world as we know it!

if you can change, please don't share the info with those who would go back and do hitler's job "better"...etc.

Herr Vogler said...

Yeah, we'll forgive The Scorpion King, too.

Herr Vogler said...

I suppose we would have to set parameters, too. If you went back to live someone else's life, you would have to live it exactly as it was so as to not affect the course of the future past.