Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Item # 13 on today's list of self-improvement. Don't ask what the first 12 are.

I've come to a decision. I swear too much (one of the pitfalls of working in retail). I think that my command of the English language is too good (rare though not unheard of among my generation) to use excessively these words. To this end I am going to attempt to limit the usage of certain 4-letter words in my vocabulary.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Reed said...

i too swear way too much. and i've been told that swearing is the attempt of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcefully. that's me.
so good luck with that.

the warrior bard said...

So what WERE the first 12 items of self-improvement?

Remember what Tyler Dudren says: Self-improvement is masturbation. Self-DESTRUCTION... that's something.

Herr Vogler said...

I told you not to ask!!!

Actually, there aren't 12 other things before that. But it's more impressive if I say I have these 12 major things to work on because it means that I recognise my own shortcomings.

It's kind of like reading a book that starts on page 147 instead of page 1. That way it sounds more impressive when people ask, "What page are you on in that book?". "Oh. I'm on page 147." "Ooh, that's impressive."

Herr Vogler said...

My thing, Mr. Pikey, is that I have such a HUUUUUUUUGE vocabulary that it doesn't make any sense not to use it (at least in print) instead.

I suppose that's my biggest point.

This also doesn't mean that I'll be able to stop the spontaneous outbursts (it's the tourets, you know).

Oh, and Timmy, isn't it Tyler Durden?

the warrior bard said...

Normally I don't make typos like that. Thanks for pointing that out. Douche.

Herr Vogler said...

Since you know me I assume you're talking to em?

I mean me?

the warrior bard said...

Uh-huh. Nice.